Jacob's Hope CD: Songs of hope and healing
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It Is Well with My Soul

When I heard about the CD project for Jacob Wacker, my first thought was: “Somebody should do ‘It Is Well with My Soul' on the CD. After all, isn't it the definitive statement of faith under difficult circumstances?”

At first I wanted to write a 2-piano arrangement of the song, but I just couldn't do it. I don't think God wanted that; the words are too powerful to leave out. What you hear on the CD is what I believe God wanted me to write—an arrangement for vocal duet.

I had been fasting and praying for 2 days when I began this arrangement; I wanted so badly to paint the meaning of the words in the instrumental and vocal lines. I sought the Lord repeatedly to give me the ability to write something meaningful. I knew if I were in Jacob's condition, the words would not be sung tritely, but with great depth of feeling. There are such realizations in the words—of anguish, of personal sinfulness, of exaltation, of hope, of peace. I wanted to capture these feelings afresh.

God not only led me in miraculous ways, but graciously gave me a deep sense of His presence through the process. I felt Him using my limited skill, blending it with His guidance and inspiration. What a partnership! Every time I came to an impasse and asked again for His help, He would give me music in my head and I would write as fast as I could to get it down. He was the Great Teacher and I was His humble student!

When the whole was complete, the music kept going ‘round and ‘round in my head and I imagined Jesus leaping and dancing for joy at “our” creation. (I swear He was giddy . I finally had to beg Him to stop the music—it was driving me crazy!) I started the piece on Friday, and by Sunday it was finished. It had only taken me three days— unbelievable for me, but not for Jesus, who chose to rise from the dead after that amount of time!

I thank Dave Wacker and Caryn Ogle for the many hours they spent to get this arrangement learned and recorded. Their dedication to the task greatly honors the Lord Jesus and me. I also thank Jody DeHaven for helping me write the synthesizer lines. Two heads made the task easier.

Putting the “vehicle” aside, may the truth of this great hymn minister to you. God is truly Jacob's hope and our hope as well. The author of Romans writes: “Who can separate us from the love of Christ?” The answer is: NOTHING!

Robin Power

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